Magic Matter

Magic Materialism is fundamentally about seeing; seeing ourselves, seeing the world as well as seeing behind the reality that consists only of matter, and through our inner vision catch sight of the invisible reality, where I am part of we, and we are part of the co-thinking body of the world. 

”Magic Matter” is a work that incorporates crystals in various shapes and colors, along with brass that emphasize connectivity and energy conduction. Specifically, purple, yellow, and green crystal rods are connected like elongated arrows, pointing both forward and backward. This arrangement is part of a sculpture that includes a sumptuous human-sized brass tower, creating continuity and connection across time and space.

The use of crystals in this work is significant as it emphasizes their ability to conduct energy between particles, relating to quantum physics. This highlights the concept of human potential as magical matter. Crystals, with their atomic structure and quantum physical properties, serve as a metaphor for the inherent magic and creative potential within humans. The activation mechanism within us allows new possibilities to emerge when we have active intention.

Drawing inspiration from the properties of crystals and their universal presence, “Magic Matter” aligns these elements with common materials like concrete to emphasize their shared characteristics. The work underscores that we, as humans, are the tools that can bring forth new creations through our consciousness and intention. To highlight the inherent magic and creative potential within humans, suggesting that we ourselves are the tool that can bring forth new creations through our consciousness and intention.

For inquiry contact Martin Asbæk Gallery: