
  • THK Gallery

    Upcoming exhibition at THK Gallery in Cape Town, South Africa
    More info to come Read more
  • Casa Wabi Residency

    Fundación Casa Wabi, a non-profit organization promoting dialogue between contemporary art and local communities across locations in Puerto Escondido, Mexico City, and Tokyo. Inspired by the philosophy of Wabi-Sabi, which values simplicity, imperfection, and unconventional beauty. Read more
  • SUMMATION Nordic Embassies: 25 Years Anniversary Exhibition

    Each Autonomous, And Yet Together

    Join us in celebrating the 25th anniversary of the joint Nordic embassies in Berlin with the exhibition Summation: Autonomous, and yet Together.

    Summation explores the complex balance between individuality and community, addressing the profound connections between us as autonomous individuals and the world around us. We all live alone in our subjective realities but can still unite in creativity, trust, and collaboration, elevating our experiences beyond the personal. Art becomes the meeting point—where individual expression and collective reflection melt together in an anthem that resonates with the complexities of existence.

    Summation features ten leading contemporary artists from the Nordic countries who encourage visitors to reflect on their relationship to themselves and society, particularly through their contributions to a time capsule to be opened 25 years from now. The exhibition serves as a reflective pause and a cooperative call to action—a catalyst for imagining a brighter future.

    Curated by Margrét Áskelsdóttir
    Artists: A K Dolvin (NO), Axel Ree (DK), Åsta Fannery Sigurdsdottir (IS), Aura Hakouri (FI), Christian Partos (SE), Hanna Ljung (SE), Hans Rosenstrom (FI), Jeppe Hein (DK), Mille Kalsmose (DK), Ragna Kjartansson (IS) Read more
  • Summer In The City / Martin Asbæk Gallery

    As is tradition, Martin Asbæk Gallery kicks off the summer season with the annual group show Summer In The City.

    Here, the artists of the gallery present new works, and I'm pleased to share that for the 4th time, I have been invited to exhibit an art work of mine.

    The group exhibition takes place at Martin Asbæk Gallery Bredgade 23, 1260 Copenhagen, Denmark

    21. Jun, 2024: 4PM – 7PM

    Exhibition dates:
    21. Jun, 2024 – 31. Aug, 2024

    Opening hours:
    Tuesday – Friday: 11AM – 6PM
    Saturday: 11AM – 4PM

    Read more about the gallery and keep updated here: Read more
  • Collected Memory at Market Art Fair

    Market Art Fair is the leading contemporary art fair in the Nordic region Initiated in 2006 by galleries representing the Nordic countries: Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway and Sweden.

    I will be exhibiting Collected Memory with Martin Asbæk Gallery.

    Read more and buy tickets here:

    Market Art Fair takes place at Liljevalchs konsthall / Spritmuseum, Stockholm

    Thursday May 16th, VIP Opening
    Friday May 17th, 17:30–20:00
    Saturday May 18th, 11:00–18:00
    Sunday May 19th, 11:00–17:00 Read more
  • Kulturinformation

    Kulturinformation: Æstetik, kunst, videnskab og en dansker i New York

    Der er ingen tvivl om, at det er Mille Kalsmoses rum. Som hun står der foran sin skrøbelige skulptur af den perfekte familie og fortæller om moderens selvmord, blander værket, de smukke omgivelser og den tunge shaman-messen sig med lydene fra gaden udenfor. Vi er til fernisering på udstillingen ‘COSMIC BOND’ på Galleri L’Space i New Yorker bydelen Chelsea, og det er en dansker, som er i centrum. Read more
  • Sketches Exhibition at Arden Asbæk

    Arden Asbæk Gallery is hosting a sketched-based exhibition from April 18th to May 18th, showcasing the raw and preliminary works of various artists such as Ditte Ejlerskov, Ebbe Stub, Eva Koch, Niels Bonde and more.

    Unlike traditional gallery displays of finalized works, this exhibition provides an intimate look into the artist's studio, offering a glimpse into the creative process, featuring everything from rough freehand drawings to initial studies for larger projects. I will be contributing with my own preliminary sculptural sketches for the Collected Memory work series. 

    It will be possible to acquire original sketches at the exhibition. Rather than a formal opening, the gallery will host a "midissage" on May 1st, 16-19. 

    The exhibition runs from April 18 to May 18 at Arden Asbæk Gallery
    Midissage: May 1, at 16-19 Read more
  • Performance: Celestial Harmony

    Celestial Harmony, 2024. Celestial Harmony is an performance where performers, dressed in hand-sewn silk and canvas costumes inspired by the works "Cosmic Relation" and "Tribe", move through the crowd as if pulled by a cosmic force. These blind creatures, “seeing with our fingertips,” embody Ole Fogh Kirkeby's philosophy, creating a tactile connection between self and cosmos. As the performance shifts from Tribe to Cosmic Relation, figures kneel, uniting cosmic forces and human spirit, reflecting Kirkeby's idea of an emergent unity where body, thought, language, and world converge into a holistic experience.

    Special Event: April 30th 6-8 pm
    Speech by Mayor of Culture Mia Nyegaard

    At L’Space Gallery,
    524 W 19th St, New York, NY 10011, USA Read more
  • COSMIC BOND Mille Kalsmose / Yukari Hotta

    This exhibition aims to portray the intricate bond between humanity and the cosmos. Through installatory works and ceramic creations, the exhibition offers a unique perspective on our place in the universe, weaving together personal narratives of human existence.

    Read more about the gallery and keep updated here:

    Opening Night: April 25th - May 27th
    Special Event: April 30th 6-8 pm
    Speech by Mayor of Culture Mia Nyegaard

    At L’Space Gallery, 
    524 W 19th St, New York, NY 10011, USA Read more
  • Art - Science - Spirituality: A Conversation

    Kunst - Videnskab - Spiritualitet: En Samtale
    Lørdag d. 4. Marts kl. 13-15, ved Martin Asbæk Gallery

    Videnskab, kunst og spiritualitet giver på hver sin måde indsigt til en indre erkendelse. ”Magic Materialism” undersøger i tråd med dette forskellige aspekter af virkeligheden; både det objektive og det subjektive. Intuitionen er en muskel, der kan trænes. Kunstnere og kreative er afhængige af den, mens andre kan få meget mere ud af livet ved at lytte dybere til sin indre kilde til information.
    Men hvorfor er det så svært at lytte til sin intuition?

    Talken vil blive indledt af Helene Nyborg Bay, kunstneriske leder af Nikolaj Kunsthal, hvorefter Mille Kalsmose såvel som tre eksperter indenfor perception, intuition og energi, vil diskutere disse indre signaler med udgangspunkt i udstillingen Magic Materialism.

    Helena Kalsmose: Intuition - og hvordan du bruger den til at skabe
    Henning R. Jensen: Derfor skaber vi indefra og ud - Den kvantefysiske baggrund
    Peter Brincker: Det man ser, er man selv - og hvorfor du ikke kan stole på dit syn
    Mille Kalsmose: Magic Materialism - At finde guldet i alt Read more

    Som mennesker består vi af både ånd og materie, Hvis vi kun forstår os selv som materie, som kroppe i en fysisk verden, eksisterer vi kun på et givet sted på et givet tidspunkt. Men hvis krop og ånd derimod bringes i en aktivt reflekterende forbindelse, skabes en magisk overbygning. En sådan forsøger kunstneren Mille Kalsmose at bringe dig i kontakt med på denne udstilling. Read more
  • Artland: Magic Materialism in 3D

    Magic Materialism

    Martin Asbæk Gallery is proud to present the exhibition Magic Materialism by the Danish visual artist Mille Kalsmose.
    Visit the exhibition digitally via Artland's 3D exhibition tool. Read more
  • Magasinet Kunst

    Den danske billedkunstner, Mille Kalsmose, står til februar klar med soloudstillingen “Magic Materialism” på Martin Asbæk Gallery. Vi har besøgt Kalsmose i atelieret til en snak om inspiration og om hendes værker, der er skabt med en nysgerrighed for materie og menneske. Read more
  • Mille Kalsmose: “Kunsten gør NFT’en håndgribelig og viser potentialet for at tage ejerskabet af data tilbage”

    Mille Kalsmose er med på Venedigbiennalen som en del af en gruppeudstilling i Camerouns Pavillon, hvor alle kunstnere arbejder med NFT’er. Men hvad er NFT overhovedet for noget, og hvordan arbejder man kunstnerisk med disse ikke-reproducerbare dataenheder? Vi har spurgt kunstneren. Read more
  • English article: Mille Kalsmose: "Art makes the NFT tangible and shows the potential of taking back the ownership of data"

    Mille Kalsmose can be found at this year’s Venice Biennale as part of a group exhibition in Cameroon's Pavilion, where all artists work with NFTs. But what is an NFT at all, and how do you work artistically with these non-reproducible data pieces? We asked the artist. Read more
  • »Det er som OL i kunst«: Dansker udstiller sit bud på hypet kunsttrend i Venedig

    »Det er som OL i kunst«: Dansker udstiller sit bud på hypet kunsttrend i Venedig
    Cameroun har som det første land valgt at dedikere en pavillon til at udstille NFT-kunst på dette års udgave af Venedigbiennalen – og ad en pudsig omvej er den danske kunstner Mille Kalsmose blevet inviteret til at udstille sit værk.
    Af Anne Thora Lykkegaard Read more
  • Collective Memory at the 59th Venice Biennale

    Experience a new, digitalized version of Kalsmose's longterm project, Collected Memory. The NFTs presented by Kalsmose are a series of time based media works, each revealing a facet of immence and ever-changing structure, fragments rendered visible, anchored it in time and space, accompanied by a participatory physical sculpture evolving from the collected dataset.

    The project is made possible with collaboration of 3D-designer and developer Imre Mark Petkov.
  • Radio 4 interview: Digital kunst bliver for første gang repræsenteret ved verdens ældste og mest prestigefylde kunstbegivenhed, Venedig Biennalen

    Digital kunst bliver for første gang repræsenteret ved verdens ældste og mest prestigefylde kunstbegivenhed, Venedig Biennalen. Og danskeren Mille Kalsmose er en af dem, der udstiller her.
    Interview med Maja Hald fra KRÆS, Radio4
    Skip til 26:32 Read more
  • Crypto Art Exhibition “The Time of the Chimeras”: Panel Talks with GCA DAO and Art Consortium

    Republic of Cameroon National Pavilion, La Biennale de Venezia

    Crypto Art Exhibition “The Time of the Chimeras”
    Panel Talks with GCA DAO and Art Consortium
    Wednesday April 20 4 PM to 7 PM
    Friday April 22 4 PM to 8.30 PM
    How NFTs will empower Art with GCA DAO art councilor Laura Bernier (co-founder of Arcades Digital)
    How we build DAOs for Art with GCA DAO councilor Thomas Yang
    NFT new medium and institutions : engaging new audiences and fundraising for culture with Pauline Fossil (founder of ArtPool, Art Curators Grid)
    NFT Art : Collecting, showcasing and re-imagining possibilities for Cultural Collaborations with Marc Olivier Wahler (Director of Musée d’art et d’historie of Geneva)
  • Go' Morgen Danmark 13. April 2022

    Go' Morgen Danmark interview om NFT-værket "Collected Memory - A Diary of the World" som udstilles på Venedig Biennalen i den camerounske pavillon. Se det fulde interview på TV 2 Play. Read more
  • Nyt socialt bæredygtigt og klimabevidst kunstværk til det offentlige rum

    Billedkunstner Mille Kalsmoses værker kredser ofte om identitet og forbundethed, og hun har nu skabt et nyt bygningsintegereret og socialt bæredygtigt udsmykningsværk; ‘Kirsebærbæltet’. Værket er lavet i tæt dialog med lokalområdets beboere. Read more
  • "Kirsebærbæltet" a commissioned work at Folehaven

    In the Cherry Garden (Kirsebærhaven) in Folehaven, Valby, Mille Kalsmose has created a tiled pavement, named "Kirsebærbæltet", a path decorated with plants from around the world, carefully selected on a workshop held together with the local residents. The designed turing pattern mixes the plants and creates new variants - just as the area continuously develops and grows when new residents move in and change the organic structure of the community. The pictured image is a rendering of how it will look in the near future. The vernissage is on the 7th of April 2022 in Folehaven, Kirsebærhaven, Valby.
  • Kirsebærbæltet i Valby

    Fortovsfliser som kunstværk på Kirsebærhaven i Valby Read more
  • Beboernes ønske er blevet hørt: Nyt kunstværk rammer Valby-gade

    Beboerne har efterspurgt kunst, der kunne samle dem på kryds og tværs og afspejle deres sammenhold trods vidt forskellige baggrunde. Det får de nu. Read more
  • Mille Kalsmose at Horsens Art Museum

    Experience Mille Kalsmose's "Re-Programmed Relations" at Horsens Art Museum.
    Between February 12 – June 26, 2022, you can experience Mille Kalsmose's Re-Programmed Relations within a larger collection exhibition called "New acquisitions" at Horsens Art Museum. The exhibition consist of a number of new works from the museum’s collection and also include pieces by eg. Frederik Næblerød, Klara Lilja and Ragna Braase. Read more
  • Martin Asbæk Gallery at Art Herning

    For those of you who didn't make it to the exhibition at Kunsten Aalborg, you now have the chance again! Mille Kalsmose is represented through Martin Asbæk Gallery at Art Herning from May 6 - 8, 2022 i MCH Messecenter Herning. Read more
  • Ten Years Later - Highlights from the Mana Collection

    From February 12 - March 31, 2022, you can experience Mille Kalsmose's 'Re-programmed Matter', IV, at the exhibition 'Ten Years Later - Highlights of the Mana Collection' at Mana in New York. The collection also displays lots of other interesting pieces from various artist. Read more
  • Are You Technology?

    Bikubens Visionssalon presents 'Are You Technology?' in collaboration with Kunsten Museum of Modern Art, Aalborg.
    Participants: Hans Ulrich Obrist, Hito Steyerl and Mille Kalsmose
  • Hack it - Kunsten hacker arbejdslivet

    Som en del af udstillingen Work It Out! På Kunsten i Aalborg, har Mille Kalsmose interveneret i dagligdagen i samarbejde med Fibertex.
    Kunsten inviterer til en snak om samtidskunstens plads i det moderne arbejdsliv samt hvad kunstnere og virksomheder (måske) kan lære af hinanden. Read more

    by Mette Frydensbjerg Jacobsen Read more
  • Fast arbejde er ikke altid, hvad vi tror, det er, viser omfattende udstilling på Kunsten i Aalborg

    Anmeldelse i Jyllands Posten om Work It Out! gruppeudstillingen på Kunsten i Aalborg Read more
  • Upcoming exhibition: Work it Out at Kunsten, Aalborg

    Mille Kalsmoses newest work Humanness, “Inner Studies in a Collective Cloud” is part of the exhibition Work it Out! at Kunsten in Aalborg, Denmark.

    “Work it Out!” opens September 24 and continues until January 16. Read more
  • Upcoming exhibition: CHART art fair

    Weight of Memories

    Mille Kalsmose præsenterer på Chart Art Fair det stedsspecifikke kunstværk Weight of Memories. Det kan opleves 27-29 august i hjertet af Charlottenborg på gårdpladsen i København Read more
  • Upcoming exhibitions: 'Summer in the City' - Performative seance by Alex Ikilikian and Mille Kalsmose

    Som en del af Martin Asbæk Galleris sommer show 'Summer in the City', inviteres du til en performativ seance kl. 15. ved åbningen. Selve seancen vil vare ca. 10 minutter.

    Som materielle manifestationer af en familie står Mille Kalsmoses installation fra serien Tribe som et relationelt kollektiv i denne sommer udstilling hos Martin Asbæk.

    I en antroprocæn kontekst, hvor det non-humane er sat i scene, undersøger Kalsmose mødet mellem kvantefysikken og en neo-tribal tilgang til mennesket og dets relationer.
  • Collected Memory

    Watch video of Collected Memory at Politiken Forhal, Copenhagen. Read more
  • ART TALK: Mille Kalsmose og Emilia van Hauen

    Torsdag d. 22. oktober kl. 16 –17
    i Politikens Forhal

    Samtalen sker i udstillingen Collected Memory, som kan opleves i Politikens Forhal
    og på lysaviser indtil d. 24. oktober. Read more
  • Building collective stories

    from I DO Art by Jérôme Sans. Read more
  • 2020 Donation of Work of Art: Cosmic Family

    Mille Kalsmose brings outer space down to earth with her sound installation Cosmic Family. Kunsten Museum of Modern Art in Aalborg recently added the both poetic and unsettling piece to its collection thanks to a donation from the New Carlsberg Foundation. Read more
  • Upcoming exhibitions: All together now

    at Kunsten Museum of Modern Art Aalborg

    The exhibition will be opened:
    from the 8. OCT 2020 until the 5. APR 2021 Read more
  • Gammelgaard sætter scenen for stærk skulpturbiennale

    "...Også Mille Kalsmoses Collected Family lader i en koncentreret objektform de rå materialer illustrere menneskelige tilstande. Her med et mere enkelt, elegant udtryk, hvor farvede glasplader lader sol og vind spille ind i værkets figurer. Der er et ekko af moderne mestre som Giacometti eller Lynn Chadwick over disse stiliserede figurer, der snildt ville kunne spadsere ind i en skulpturpark som Louisianas."
    Anmeldelse af Kristian Handberg, fra om Skuplturbiennalen Interdimensionale på Gammelgaard i Herlev.

    Foto af Kristian Handberg. Read more
  • Upcoming artist talk with Mille Kalsmose & SUPERFLEX

    September Salon on Zoom with
    Sofia Bertilsson.
    On September 22nd at 15.00

    Join us on Zoom:
    (Passcode: 858988) Read more
  • Upcoming exhibition: Collected Memory

    at Politikens Forhal, Copenhagen
    Fernisering the 20. AUG 2020 from 15.00 to 19.00

    The exhibition will be opened:
    from the 21. AUG 2020 until the 24. OCT 2020 Read more
  • Exhibitions: SYNLIGGØRELSER (RENDERINGS) is still up

    The exhibition Renderings is still up and open to June to the 14th of June with extended opening hours both morning and evening. Read more
  • Collected Minds highlighted on

    Panelists from Guggenheim Museum, Louisiana Channel and Elektronista (expert on culture and digitalization), talks about what going on online and The upcoming project Collected Minds was highlighted as a partly digital artwork to look out for. Read more
  • Counting the days

    Mille Kalsmose at Mana Contemporary, Jersey City. Read more
  • Upcoming exhibition: Features: Inherited Sentiment Opening

    Feb. 28, 2020, 6–8PM
    Floor 1
    Mana Contemporary
    888 Newark Avenue
    Jersey City, NJ 0730

    Mille Kalsmose and Caroline Silverman revisit fleeting memories and past experiences through the use of tactile materials. Family structures and notions of home appear throughout their practices. Using fiber-based materials in different ways, both artists explore the sentimentality of textiles. Read more
  • Upcoming exhibitions: SYNLIGGØRELSER (RENDERINGS)

    at Den Frie Udstillingsbygning, Copenhagen.
    From 7. marts to 14. juni

    Fernisering the 6. Marts Read more
  • Danish artist Mille Kalsmose on a residency at ALMA Space Observatory

    While in Chile as part of her participation in the 14th Biennale of Media Arts, Kalsmose is collaborating with
    ALMA Space Observatory astronomers and interrelated scientists on the revolving galaxy and the
    problematic effects of lithium– a focal points material in “Liquid Relations, Listening Back in Time” Read more
  • Mille Kalsmose’s participation in the 14th Biennale of Media Arts

    For the 14th Biennale of Media Arts sited in Santiago de Chile, Kalmose has created a site-specific work, where remains, metals and found ocbjects from demonstrations, demolished busses and destroyed vehicles have been poetically incorporated. The exhibition “Mundo Situado” is set to open November 13th at Museo de Artes
    Visuales for the public, whilst the rest of the city’s cultural institutions remain closed. Read more
  • Talk with Emilia Van Hauen & Mille Kalsmose

    Talk with Emilia Van Hauen & Mille Kalsmose at Den Frie Udstillingsbygning, Copenhagen Read more
  • ‘Kunsten tager på kollektiv udflugt ud i det komiske’

    fra Politiken om gruppeudstillingen ’Cosmic Existence’ på Den Frie Udstillingsbygning, København Read more
  • 'Mille Kalsmose on a cosmic journey’

    from New York to Copenhagen, Chile and Switzerland’ from Århus Stiftstidende (Danish) Read more
  • ‘Cosmic Family’ will be a part of ‘Cosmic Existence’ group show

    at Den Frie Udstillingsbygning in Copenhagen, Denmark Read more
  • Flat out Drawings

    Mille Kalsmose is part of the exhibition "Flat Out: Drawings, 2000–2019" that expands upon curators Ysabel Pinyol Blasi and Karline Moeller’s earlier survey of “flat” work from the previous forty years, examining how drawing as practice and concept has undergone a transformation over the past two decades. Read more
  • Mille Kalsmose’s work ‘Collected Minds’ for UN Novus Summit 2019

    by Danish newspaper ‘Horsens Folkeblad’ (Danish) Read more
  • Instructions to interact with the work ‘Collected Minds’

    from the United Nations Novus Summit 2019 (qr code) Read more
  • Instructions to interact with the work ‘Collected Minds’

    from the United Nations Novus Dummit 2019 (url web address) Read more
  • Mille Kalsmose’s work ‘Collected Minds’ debuts at UN Novus Summit in New York City

    Read more
  • “Relations are sensations about cosmic communities” by Emilia Van Hauen

    from POV International (English version) Read more
  • “Mille Kalsmose – Relationer er sansninger af kosmiske fællesskaber” af Emilia Van Hauen

    fra POV International (Dansk version) Read more
  • “Mille Kalsmose surprises with a groundbreaking exhibition” by Bo Bedre (Danish)

    Read more
  • P1 culture: Danish cultural radio. “The Shape of Us” by Mille Kalsmose discussed in the middle of the broadcast

    Read more
  • Scale meets sensuality: Mille Kalsmose and Alicja Kwade on IDOART.DK (English)

    Read more
  • Scale meets sensuality: Mille Kalsmose and Alicja Kwade on IDOART.DK (Danish)

    Read more
  • Mille Kalsmose pointed out as “artist of the week” by

    Danish version Read more
  • Interview with Mille Kalsmose and digital 3D walk through her solo show “The Shape of Us” by Artland app

    At times, you come across an exhibition so universel in its character that it seems to exist above time and place, and yet, at the same time it gives the impression that it is directed right at you as an individual in a specific moment in time. Read more
  • Mille Kalsmose: ‘The Shape of Us’ at Horsens Art Museum

    Danish version Read more
  • Press feature about the interactive art installation ‘Conscious Matter’

    Danish version Read more
  • Interview with Mille Kalsmose in ‘Magasinet Kunst’

    Danish version Read more
  • Interview with Mille Kalsmose in Danish ‘Magasinet Kunst’

    English version Read more
  • Group Show in Aros Aarhus Kunstmuseum

    Danish version Read more
  • Mille Kalsmose in Danish Newspaper ‘Berlingske Tidende’

    Danish version Read more
  • Mille Kalsmose in Danish Newspaper ‘Jyllandsposten’

    Artist created a family in iron to fill out the void in her own (Danish version) Read more
  • I DO ART about “Re-sounding Organs” by Mille Kalsmose

    Danish version Read more
  • IN Magazine: meet the four women who lead the way in danish contemporary art

    Danish version Read more
  • “Re-Sounding Organs” by Mille Kalsmose in Horsens Folkeblad

    Danish version Read more
  • Clot Magazine about Re-sounding Organs

    English version Read more
  • Solo show in center of Contemporary Art Andratx

    English version Read more
  • Gallery show with Tracey Emin and Tao Hui

    English version Read more
  • about trust me if you can’t

    Danish version Read more
  • Group Show in Tokyo

    Danish version Read more
  • Searching for a Mother – article on

    Dansk version Read more
  • Danish National Press wrote about Mille Kalsmose

    Dansih version Read more
  • Receiver of Danish Art Foundation working grant 2017

  • Press about the museum show in Kastrupgaard Samlingen

    Danish version Read more