Weight of Memories

Weight of Memories concerns a substantial, heavy load and time. The work consists of brass pendulums, as they are known from traditional grandfather clocks, and iron cores escavated from some of the world's oldest rock formations.

These are billions of compressed years that can be categorized and classified through sedimentation and geological analysis, in a similar way to how astronomers can estimate distances in time and create theories about the origin of life by studying the same materialities, just in outer space.

Kalsmose explores the concept of connectedness by incorporating widely differing approaches, and she aptly combines branches of science such as geology and astronomy with spirituality and subjective perspectives. We are faced with something that intersects all the time divisions we have established, geological as well as cultural. Kalsmose's works are a form of time travel, an insight into how something was at one point - and still is.

We humans have certain way of dealing with time, through reason – but this command is only partly true. We throw about dates and years, but our perception of time and temporality will always be limited. It is largely dependent on each individual human being; how long one's own existence has lasted so far compared to the estimated remainder. The finiteness of my own body is the only tangible measure I have. A billion years is incomprehensible. Overwhelming. Kalsmose's works come into effect by being figurative time portals, by inducing a feeling of infinity and finiteness at the same time. One encounters a past that has - and has had - an inevitable effect on what lies ahead. Not necessarily conceived as a destiny, but at least as a trace of the events, experiences and changes that have helped to determine who we are as a species - and as individuals.

For inquiry contact Martin Asbæk Gallery: liselotte@martinasbaek.com